All these complications are related to improper positioning . caregivers can improve their nursing skills and assist elders in changing their positions regularly to minimize their risk of developing these complications 护老者如果能在护理技巧上加强认识,并定时为长者转换姿势,不单可以协助长者维持筋肌正常功能,帮助促进其肢体血液循环,还可以预防此类并发症发生。
All these complications are related to improper positioning . caregivers can improve their nursing skills and assist elders in changing their positions regularly to minimize their risk of developing these complications 护老者如果能?在护理技巧上加强认识,并定时为长者转换姿势,不单可以协助长者维持筋肌正常功能,帮助促进其肢体血液循环,还可以预防此类并发症发生。